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Saw this from Facebook under the Causes of Stop Global Warming, please take time to watch through.



picture-1.pngCaptain Planet is back –


Today’s (Saturday, August 11 2007) Straits Times, WORLD section page 40, under the Slice of Life section:

Beijing announced the end of use of disposable chopsticks in China as part of the campaign for a 2008 “green” Olympics.

“Restaurants should (permanently) abandon the use of disposable chopsticks for the good of their health and environment,” the China Daily paraphrased China Cuisine Association secretary-general Bian Jiang as saying.

In other words, it will not be a temporary gimmick for the Olympics, it’s for real!

Quoting from New Internationalist:

China is severely short of trees only – 13.9 per cent of its 9.6 million square kilometres is covered by forest. Its amount of forest land per capita is ranked 121st in the world. Now 12 of the 40 state-owned logging companies have nothing left to fell. ‘The remaining 80 million hectares of natural forests will disappear in a decade if this felling continues,’ says Professor Shen Guofang, of Beijing Forestry University.

Thank goodness, finally a big country like China realised the danger of deforestation and the importance to cease unnecessary abuse of natural resources. I only wish Singapore will take up such measure to help the environment soon. We need to be as earnest as we can be in protecting the environment. Using disposable chopsticks is less about personal hygienic issue, and more about a global crisis now.

I have started to bring my own stainless steel chopsticks, fork and spoon along with me for use when food stalls or restaurants provide only disposable ones. You could also make a difference too – do consider it.

Calling all the inspiring film-makers, here’s a way to prove your creativity and yet help save our Mother Earth. A contest launching at Live Earth 07/07/07 and encourages viewers to submit your green public service announcements to the contest by 12 Sep 07.

Let’s hope this documentary by Leonardo Di Caprio would make a bigger impact than Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. Let’s also hope more people will truly appreciate the earth and not wait till the 11th Hour.


Ikea To Start Charging Customers For Plastic Bags
(Summary of The Straits Times, HOME, page H3 Wednesday, April 11, 2007)
Ikea of Singapore is charging consumers a nominal 5 cents for standard-size plastic bags and 10 cents for larger ones. And will cut the price of their reusable blue bags from S$2.90 to S$1.20 to encourage more customers to BYOB (bring your own bag).

Sales of the bags will be donated to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to fund conservation efforts in Indonesia. The money will help fund initiatives by the Indonesian government and non-government organisations to prevent and monitor illegal fires and forest-clearing and promote sustainable forest management.

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What would you do if you suddenly had a bag full of gold? What would you do with it? Would you keep it, spend it or share it? Here is a story of how a disciple of the Buddha called Ananda taught a King a lesson on the importance of mindful sharing – not only with one’s personal wealth, but also of the wealth of the Earth’s resources. This is also the classic Buddhist story of “recycling” our blessings in life, of treasuring whatever we have.

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On the Sunday (14 Jan) “The Day after Tomorrow” was featured on TV, it ironically reminded me of the bizarre weather we were experiencing recently.

Singapore experienced one of its worst floods since 1978. 366mm of rain fell over a 24-hour period, which was the third highest recorded in 75 years. Several days of torrential rains even caused surging waters to emerge from MacRitchie Reservoir, destroying much nursery products along Thomson Road. There were at least 3 landslides, with trees collasping on roads and houses, halting traffic along the expressway, even leaving some homeless.

Since midnight on Thursday (11 Jan) till 6pm Friday (12 Jan), 239 mm of rain fell in the northern part of Singapore – the highest amount so far. To think that the monthly average for January is 241 millimetres, there is way too much rain, which was predicted to last one more week.

It sure did, the rain came and went till Monday morning. And just yesterday, news reported collapsing of a road, which caused a terrible jam on one of the expressways. It felt like “The Day After Tomorrow” on a smaller scale. The Earth is having more extreme weather due to global warming.

After seeing “The Day After Tomorrow”, I watched another environmental film on DVD – “An Inconvenient Truth”. The damage we had done to this planet is beyond belief. It’s such an urgent message that I had the sudden urge to do something to save the Earth – yet I cannot save the planet singlehandedly. WE need to help it together.

More stunning than the devastation is that many do not do much even though they are aware of the issues. A lot more just simply choose not believe it or think there is nothing they can do. Are we really sitting ducks, waiting for “The Day After Tomorrow” to come?

I am at a loss of words in describing the impact that Global Warming has to anyone. The truth may be inconvenient for many people, but our survival depends on our appropriate response to this truth.

Please do not procastinate anymore, please go to to learn how you can help. The Earth is dying. Will you not save it? If not for you, for your children?

Monk Protecting the Trees
Vasan Sitthiket 1957, Thailand
Mixed media on canvas
79 x 61cm
Singapore Art Museum

After reading Rewriting The Science on CBS, I was really stunned. A country that preached and breathed freedom of speech so much had the most important issue on this planet heavily censored and distorted.

It’s sad to have a person to lead a country who has his needs above his countrymen. It’s even sadder that this person’s greed and ignorance could destroy the entire planet.

May 2024

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