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Saw this from Facebook under the Causes of Stop Global Warming, please take time to watch through.






Watched The 11th Hour and my personal review of the film as below:


Lots of interlinked information, though what said are all important facts. Sad to say even with these much facts from different backgrounds of field experts, there might still be people who disagree with it. One thing i like about this documentary is that it suggests real large-scale solutions to undo the damage to the planet. And the time is really at 11hr 59mins 59secs!


To take action, please visit 11th Hour Action.


Please also see 11th Hour Clip.

Let’s hope this documentary by Leonardo Di Caprio would make a bigger impact than Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. Let’s also hope more people will truly appreciate the earth and not wait till the 11th Hour.

Below is an article by James Kanter on how vegetarian diet is crucial to reducing global warming. The burning question remains – have we done enough? Yes, we have seen enough facts, but are governments throughout the world doing what is truly essentially – to promote a vegetarian/vegan diet? Please read on…

By James Kanter
Published: June 6, 2007

PARIS: A strategy to tackle global warming is a must-have for businesses this year, and the food industry is no exception. Can it be a surprise that some claims are hard to judge and others, well, a bit too rich to swallow?

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Ikea To Start Charging Customers For Plastic Bags
(Summary of The Straits Times, HOME, page H3 Wednesday, April 11, 2007)
Ikea of Singapore is charging consumers a nominal 5 cents for standard-size plastic bags and 10 cents for larger ones. And will cut the price of their reusable blue bags from S$2.90 to S$1.20 to encourage more customers to BYOB (bring your own bag).

Sales of the bags will be donated to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to fund conservation efforts in Indonesia. The money will help fund initiatives by the Indonesian government and non-government organisations to prevent and monitor illegal fires and forest-clearing and promote sustainable forest management.

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Recently, a friend introduced me to an entry in PETA’s blog, on PETA’s open letter to Al Gore, which appeals to him to speak up on and live up to vegetarianism as another inconvenient truth. The letter stated how animals raised for food industries generate more greenhouse gases than all cars and trucks combined and that (according to a recent University of Chicago study), switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Prius.

I’m kind of glad that PETA sent the letter, as with PETA’s style, they will follow-up to this issue to the very end. I’m also touched by Al Gore’s passion for raising concerns for global warming. I feel the urge to really go out there and help fight global warming, but rather true to the title of Gore’s documentary (An Inconvenient Truth), the issue about animal raised for food industry might be a little inconvenient for Al Gore and many meat-eating environmentalists?

I truly feel that even if we are able to change every single car in this entire planet to an eco-friendly ones, we might still not able to reduce carbon dioxide emission to the standards we want and need. Simply because the amount of methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide produced by the humongous meat and diary industries are just too alarmingly high. Veganism should be considered as one of the major solutions to free the world of suffocating gases.

If you have another moment, please go to Meat and the Environment or further information. Below is an extract –

“Farmed animals produce about 130 times as much excrement as the entire human population of the United States, and since factory farms don’t have sewage treatment systems as our cities and towns do, this concentrated slop ends up polluting our water, destroying our topsoil, and contaminating our air. And meat-eaters are responsible for the production of 100 percent of this waste—about 86,000 pounds per second! Give up animal products, and you’ll be responsible for none of it.”

Americans consume almost a quarter of all the beef produced in the world. Aside from health issues associated with eating lots of meat, a high-meat diet translates into a tremendous amount of carbon emissions. It takes more fossil-fuel energy to produce and deliver equivalent amounts of protein from plant sources.

In addition, much of the world’s deforestation is a result of clearing and burning to create more grazing land for livestock. This creates further damage by destroying trees that would otherwise absorb carbon dioxide. Fruits, vegetables and grains, on the other hand, require 95% less raw materials to produce and, when combined properly, can provide a complete and nutritious diet. If more Americans shifted to a less meat-intensive diet, we could greatly reduce carbon dioxide emissions and also save vast quantities of water and other precious natural resources.

Extracted from the book, “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore, on page 317.

For more information about cows and global warming, visit Earth Save
and Methane

On the Sunday (14 Jan) “The Day after Tomorrow” was featured on TV, it ironically reminded me of the bizarre weather we were experiencing recently.

Singapore experienced one of its worst floods since 1978. 366mm of rain fell over a 24-hour period, which was the third highest recorded in 75 years. Several days of torrential rains even caused surging waters to emerge from MacRitchie Reservoir, destroying much nursery products along Thomson Road. There were at least 3 landslides, with trees collasping on roads and houses, halting traffic along the expressway, even leaving some homeless.

Since midnight on Thursday (11 Jan) till 6pm Friday (12 Jan), 239 mm of rain fell in the northern part of Singapore – the highest amount so far. To think that the monthly average for January is 241 millimetres, there is way too much rain, which was predicted to last one more week.

It sure did, the rain came and went till Monday morning. And just yesterday, news reported collapsing of a road, which caused a terrible jam on one of the expressways. It felt like “The Day After Tomorrow” on a smaller scale. The Earth is having more extreme weather due to global warming.

After seeing “The Day After Tomorrow”, I watched another environmental film on DVD – “An Inconvenient Truth”. The damage we had done to this planet is beyond belief. It’s such an urgent message that I had the sudden urge to do something to save the Earth – yet I cannot save the planet singlehandedly. WE need to help it together.

More stunning than the devastation is that many do not do much even though they are aware of the issues. A lot more just simply choose not believe it or think there is nothing they can do. Are we really sitting ducks, waiting for “The Day After Tomorrow” to come?

I am at a loss of words in describing the impact that Global Warming has to anyone. The truth may be inconvenient for many people, but our survival depends on our appropriate response to this truth.

Please do not procastinate anymore, please go to to learn how you can help. The Earth is dying. Will you not save it? If not for you, for your children?

May 2024

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