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A friend emailed me the following, not sure how true it is, but why not, eh?

When your screen is white – an empty word page, or the Google page, your computer consumes 74 watts, and when its black it consumes only 59 watts. Mark Ontkush wrote an article about the energy saving that would be achieved if Google had a black screen, taking in account the huge number of page views, according to his calculations, 750 mega watts/hour per year would be saved.

In a response to this article Google created a black version of its search engine, called Blackle, with the exact same functions as the white version, but with a lower energy consumption, check it out.

Had you changed to Google Blackle yet?

Being fashionable isn’t about killing helpless animals for fur or leather. Next time you go shopping, please ask yourself, “Do you really need more fur/leather shoes or bags? Are fur/leather goods really a must? Would you become less fashionable without them?”

Please ALWAYS choose a more COMPASSIONATE and GREEN way to live stylishly.

March 20, 2007 5:20pm ET
As part of the “Going Green” series on WNBC-TV’s “Live at 5,” Lynda Baquero presented this segment on eco-friendly fashion. Chassie Post, a fashion editor at Domino magazine, points out that producing clothing from animal products not only can involve harming or killng animals—it also can require dangerous chemicals during the treatment process that can harm the environment in yet other ways. This part of the report features the eco-friendly alternatives available at MooShoes.

Download in Windows Media (.wmv) format

By the way, the animals need the fur and leather, and in case you haven’t noticed, it’s their skin.

Calling all the inspiring film-makers, here’s a way to prove your creativity and yet help save our Mother Earth. A contest launching at Live Earth 07/07/07 and encourages viewers to submit your green public service announcements to the contest by 12 Sep 07.

Let’s hope this documentary by Leonardo Di Caprio would make a bigger impact than Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. Let’s also hope more people will truly appreciate the earth and not wait till the 11th Hour.

Below is an article by James Kanter on how vegetarian diet is crucial to reducing global warming. The burning question remains – have we done enough? Yes, we have seen enough facts, but are governments throughout the world doing what is truly essentially – to promote a vegetarian/vegan diet? Please read on…

By James Kanter
Published: June 6, 2007

PARIS: A strategy to tackle global warming is a must-have for businesses this year, and the food industry is no exception. Can it be a surprise that some claims are hard to judge and others, well, a bit too rich to swallow?

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July 2007

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earth017 on Google Blackle
Microbrewer on Google Blackle
JiYan on Google Blackle
buckaroozen on Google Blackle
zlyrica on Google Blackle