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Came across this article by Noam Mohr : How Environmentalists are Overlooking Vegetarianism as the Most Effective Tool Against Climate Change in Our Lifetimes. Please find time to read through it. In the meantime, check out the following recommendations from the article:

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An urgent message, please watch this film.

Actress of Kill Bill 2 was literally up a tree, trying to prevent loss of urban garden.

It’s always sad to see a beautiful and well-taken care of garden to be replaced by some lifeless cold metals. As the CNN reported, “South Central Farm, a community garden* in Los Angeles had about 350 people grew produced and flowers on the 14 acres of privately owned land, in an inner-city area surrounded by warehouses and railroad tracks. The garden has been there for more than a decade, but the landowner, Ralph Horowitz, now wants to replace it with a warehouse.”

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It’s interesting to note that carbon dioxide actually boost Posion Ivy’s growth, size and toxicity. Did a little research and found out that while trees and woody plants grow 31% faster in the CO2-rich areas, Poison Ivy grows 149% faster. What’s more, forests become at risk because Posion Ivy’s vines outgrow and smother trees. While 80% of the world population is allergic to this plant and no specific cure is available, should we not pull up our socks now and do something about the amount of CO2 we are producing before things get out of hand?

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Not many people know that meat eating contributes to environmental problems.

Issues include:

  • Acres of forests are deforested to make way for grazing and agricultural farms for animals.
  • One-third of the world’s agricultural land (two-thirds of United States’) is used to feed livestock instead of hungry people.
  • Overgrazing leads to serious soil degeneration resulting in expanding wastelands.
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    At times, I wonder whether green-living really matters, as most around me don’t seem to bother at all. The idea of “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” once so noble fell really short. Are we really taking life for granted? Are we really taking this planet for granted? I guess the answer is yes.

    The irony is few see the irony of it, missing the reality of interconnection. I vaguely remember a poster I once read at an exhibition, saying we have no idea the SUV we use to drive our asthmatic kids to hospitals is the very reason why kids nowadays are so vulverable to pollution and such. We don’t see how everything we do can link back to us in millions of other intricate ways. If we do see that, we won’t be weeping and thumping our chests, asking why terrible things happen.

    Being green matters to us and GreenTheme takes green living seriously. We strive to avoid or minimise lifestyles that harm the Earth and its living beings. Before we can convince the big corporations that short-term benefits driven by greed is doing more harm than good to us, we ourselves should practise what matters, regardless how tiny an (in)action might be.

    Thus the beginning of this blog.

    June 2006
    M T W T F S S

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